How to Install Windshield Wipers

Are your windshield wiper blades skipping, streaking, splitting or squeaking? Yikes! It sounds like it's time to purchase a fresh set so that you and your vehicle will be safe on the road. Watch as Ben from popular YouTube channel Gears and Gasoline shows us how to quickly install windshield wiper blades.

Basic Steps to Replace Wiper Blades

  1. Raise the wiper arm.
  2. Detach the blade from the arm, often by pressing a tab and sliding the old blade off of the arm.
  3. Slide the new blade over the arm and listen for a click to indicate it is secure. 
  4. Lower the wiper arm.
  5. Repeat these steps on the other wiper blade and on the rear wiper, if equipped. 

For more detail, we recommend our more thorough step-by-step guide to replacing windshield wipers

How to Choose the Best Wiper Blade

There are many great blades on the market to choose from including beam, hybrid, and traditional blades. The options can be overwhelming when you are shopping online or in a retail store. Do your research and learn more about which blades will be best for your vehicle and geographic location before you purchase.  

Free Installation with Purchase

Not up for changing your windshield wiper blades on your own? Advance Auto Parts offers free installation with purchase (on most models and at most locations). Find your local store here.


Last updated August 4, 2021
