Is it safe to use on tinted windows?
Verified Reply - John the Car-Doc
Yes, Eric! This Sprayway Inc. Glass Cleaner: For Cleaning & Polishing Glass, Mirrors, Windshields, And Windows, 19 Oz - Part # SW050 is safe on tinted windows, it didn't leave any streaks.
Verified Reply - John the Car-Doc
Yes, Darryl! This Sprayway Inc. Glass Cleaner: For Cleaning & Polishing Glass, Mirrors, Windshields, And Windows, 19 Oz - Part # SW050 is safe on tinted windows, it didn't leave any streaks.
Is it good for tinted windows, or jeep soft top windows?
Verified Reply - John the Car-Doc
Yes, Tim! This Sprayway Inc. Glass Cleaner: For Cleaning & Polishing Glass, Mirrors, Windshields, And Windows, 19 Oz - Part # SW050 is safe on tinted windows, it didn't leave any streaks.
How well of a job does it do on inside automobile windshield that has cig smoke on it for a few yrs?
Product Owner - rfcj57
This simple put is the best glass cleaner I have come accross in 50 yrs in the business......there is nothing better out there to my knowlwdge .....i think you will be happy with results .
Product Owner - trmartin1
Awesome, and streak free. Only window cleaner I'll use and I'm a smoker.
Troy Martin
Sent from my iPhone
Product Owner - renopantoja
Works great if you let it soak for a few minutes and then re-clean, nicotine is tough!
Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note5.
Product Owner - josevargas2
Wouldnt know but cleans well
Sent from my iPhone