High Mileage is specially formulated to help keep higher mileage gasoline cars and trucks on the road longer. High Mileage works in fuel to clean fuel passageways and lubricate upper engine areas. When added to oil, High Mileage cleans away harmful oil residues that can restrict flow. Just pour it in. Sea Foam was born with a focus on safe and effective products that help keep all types of gas and diesel engines running their best. Since 1942, Sea Foam has gained a loyal following of mechanics, vehicle and outdoor enthusiasts, DIY equipment owners, and all sorts of people who love or depend on engines.
Product Features:- Add to fuel to clean fuel injectors and carburetor jets
- Add to crankcase oil to help clean and prevent the common causes of oil burning
- Lubricate critical upper engine areas
- Reduce long-term engine wear
- Use regularly to prevent rough engine performance
- Safe for all gasoline fuels and all types of motor oil