Part No. A5040210174MAH
MAHLE Cleveite Inc. is not responsible for failures resulting from owner, operator or third party abuse or neglect including, but not limited to engine operation without adequate lubricant or coolant, over or under-fuelling, over-speeding, lack of proper maintenance to cooling, lubrication or air intake systems, improper storage, starting, warm-up, run-in or shutdown procedures or the continued operation of an engine after the first sign of a malfunction. MAHLE Cleveite Inc. is not responsible for failures resulting from improper installation or repair procedures, alteration or the misapplication of parts, or use in engines modified for competition or levels of performance beyond the engine manufacturers original specifications. Mahle/Cleveite - (The MAHLE Group) is one of the largest global automotive parts manufacturers, specializing in Engine Components, Filtration and Peripherals.