Best on the market!
Verified Buyer - Submitted 9 years ago
I began using Havoline oil in my '48 Chevy pickup in high school, late '60's, because dad always did, and he swore by it! I had the occasion to tear down and rebuild 4 separate engines that had used Havoline regularly, and they were some of the cleanest machines I've ever seen. It's just good oil, and has never let me down. I retired last year, but I still putter with my automobiles, doing my own oil changes and brake jobs, as well as regular maintenance. I really can't see any reason to change brands at this point.
Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend
Best Oil You can Buy
Submitted 11 years ago
I have been a fan of Havoline oil since the 80's. I put a new rear main seal in a 302 once that had over 180,000k with Havoline as its only oil. No sludge, bearings fine. I only run Havoline in my Taurus and Mercury Sable.