How many miles will this filter last
Verified Reply - Steve
Hi William, glad to assist you! Every vehicle is a little different, but the average amount of miles to wait is closer to about 7,500. Consult your owner's manual for the proper oil filter maintenance for your vehicle. For more information, I would suggest that you contact the Fram directly at 1.800.890.2075 and they would be in a better position to help you.
Is CH10358 Fram oil filter good for synthetic oil ?
Verified Reply - Steve
Hi Reggy, I'm happy to help you! This Fram Extra Guard Oil Filter (Part No. CH10358) is good for Synthetic oil as it is engineered for premium conventional and Synthetic Blend Motor Oil.
how to take oil filter cover off
Open Reply - Ron the Auto Parts Rebel
I would recommend purchasing a Haynes repair manual specifically for your vehicle. This should be able to assist you further into detail on how to repair or replace specific parts.
This does not look like an oil filter. Where is the metal casing? I understand this might look like the filter inside its casing but what good would that do if I needed to replace mine? Am I missing something here?
Open Reply - Kevin
Yes this is an oil filter. A lot of manufacturers are going back to the older Cartridge type filters to where you only replace the filter Cartridge.