This instrument cluster has been professionally remanufactured to precise specifications to help restore the original factory functionality and appearance on specified vehicles, and has been rigorously tested to ensure reliability. --- (Please contact the Special Order Team (AAP Special Orders or DC Product Support for CQ Stores) for further support and processing of Rebuild and Return Service) - CQ Independents 855-222-1629 Option 1, 2 /; AAP Stores 800-310-4243 Option 2, 1 /; CQ Company Owned 800-310-4243 Option 2, 2 /
Product Features:- Direct replacement - this instrument cluster is designed to match the fit and function of the original cluster that is damaged or malfunctioning on specified vehicles.
- Ideal solution - engineered to help restore original equipment functionality and appearance.
- Durable construction - designed and manufactured to strict specifications for reliable performance
- Trustworthy quality - backed by a team of product experts in the United States and more than a century of automotive experience
- (Please contact the Special Order Team (AAP Special Orders or DC Product Support for CQ Stores) for further support and processing of Rebuild and Return Service) - CQ Independents 855-222-1629 Option 1, 2 /; AAP Stores
- (Please contact the Special Order Team (AAP Special Orders or DC Product Support for CQ Stores) for further support and processing of Rebuild and Return Service) - CQ Independents 855-222-1629 Option 1, 2 /; AAP Stores