I have a 2001 merc mter the front d s door does not open with the key or the com pad ,is it the door actuator? I can open the p s side door with the key and then reach over and pull the int handle to get it open, will not open with the door panel rocker switch eighter, thanks .russ
Product Owner - steelhorse06
As much trouble as I had out of my explorer door problems. I finally figured it out, when the actuator is going bad it begins sticking. Trying to open the door with key has to pull the actuator up and if it is stuck. The linkage inside that goes from the key lock to actuator slips out of groove. If you can open it from the inside then it may also may be a broken door handle outside.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
Date:05/23/2017 4:13 PM (GMT-05:00)
Can I still use my key fob to unlock my doors after installation? Will this fix the problem of my driver's door not unlocking using the key fob?
Open Reply - Vincent
For assisting you further on your concern, please provide the year, make, model and engine size of the vehicle.
Will this product take care of my door locks from unlocking when you lock them with the key in the ignition?
Open Reply - Dennis
This Part No. 746-145 is a door lock actuator only. This product simply locks and unlocks the doors.
I have a 1998 Ford Explorer, Eddie Bauer edition, 4.0 liter. Will this door lock solenoid work on every door of my vehicle?
Open Reply - Mike the Auto Parts Master
That is what Dormans site show.
Open Reply - Kevin the King of Auto Parts.
To further assist you could you provide the vehicle's year, make, model, and engine size.