This heater hose has a quick connect pressed onto the end of it that goes into the intake beside the thermostat housing. Other similar hoses have a quick connect simply clamped onto the end of the hose so would be easily replaced, but this one looks like it is factory pressed on. That plastic quick connect has broken. Can just the quick connect be replaced or will I need the entire hose.
Verified Reply - John the Car-Doc
Happy to help! This heater hose comes with a quick connect end assembled onto the hose for fast and convenient installation.
How does it desconect? From the clip side?
Verified Reply - Morgan
Hi Beto! Glad I could be of help. Unscrew the hose clamp connecting the heater hose to the firewall using a flathead screwdriver. If the clamps feature a spring style, then use the pliers to push together the clamp and slide it off of the hose. Pull off the heater hose using your hands and allow the coolant to drain into the pan. Trace the heater hose to their connection on the engine block. Unscrew the hose clamps using a flathead screwdriver or use the pliers to separate the clamps, then pull the hoses off the block and place them to the side.