how do you remove starter on a 99 dodge intrepid??
Open Reply - Steve
Instructions to remove the malfunctioning starter: 1. Park the Dodge Intrepid on a flat surface and, using a jack, raise the front of the vehicle. Be sure that the engine is cool and the ignition key is in the OFF position. Disconnect the negative battery cable by loosening the bolt and removing the cable with a terminal puller. Then remove the starter-to-engine/transaxle nuts and bolts and put them in the jar for safe keeping. 2. Disconnect the positive battery feed wire from the starter. Put an additional jack or other support, such as a sturdy piece of wood, under the engine to slightly relieve some of the pressure from the left engine mount. Remove the three left engine mount-to-engine bolts and place them in the jar or other safe location to avoid losing them. 3. Raise the engine slightly to provide yourself with more room to work. Slide the starter backward between the catalyst and the engine mount. Remove the starter. Also, remove the posi-lock connector. 4. Take your malfunctioning starter to the parts store with you. Aftermarket distributors remanufacture most of the starters they sell, so you can likely obtain a partial credit toward your new starter by exchanging your old one. Be sure that you take care not to damage the starter in transit, because the better condition it is in, the more you can get for it.
is solenoid part of this starter?
Open Reply - DIY Daniel
yes, solenoid is part of this starter
Where is the location of the starter at?
Open Reply - Just Ask Jacob!
The starter is going to be located under the car engine. You will see it mounted onto the transmission housing. You can trace the path of the positive battery cable to find the starter.