I would buy this product again and again
Submitted 19 days ago
this product was placed on my 1997 Jeep
Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend
Everything you need for an OEM level replacement.
Submitted a year ago
Was pleasantly surprised to see that not not did it gafebthe pass buy apso he abutment clips of various sizes. After break in, the jeep now stops they way it should.
Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend
I will buy this product again.
Submitted 2 years ago
Great staff, very friendly and helpful.
i would not buy again
Submitted 3 years ago
they squeal terribly and make a lot of dust was under the impression ceramic pads did not have these issues
Bottom Line No, I would not recommend to a friend
Poor quality control
Verified Buyer - Submitted 3 years ago
Had to grind some flashing off of here the pad mounts against the slides. The channel was almost closed.