What is the pad material? Under product specs it's listed as semi-metallic but the title says they are ceramic...?
Verified Reply - Solomon
Hi GeneralBojangle! This Carquest Wearever Gold Ceramic Brake Pads - Rear (4-Pad Set) Part No. GNAD627 is made up of ceramic material. Thank you for letting us know about this discrepancy with the content we have on our website. When we receive reports like this from our customers it helps us make corrections and ensure that we have the most up-to-date information on our site. I have forwarded your recommendations to our website Team.
does this kit have the clips or do we need to buy separate?
Verified Reply - Solomon
Yes, Pablo! This Gold Ceramic Brake Pads - Part No. GNAD627 includes inner and outer spring clips.
Does this product have pads for both rear wheels (or just one)?
Open Reply - Parts Guru Geo
It includes the brake pads for both the rear driver side and rear passenger side.