Part # E259218. Do these pumps have to be submerged to turn on? It does not turn on when directly wired to a battery outside of the tank. I also confirmed it is receiving 12 volts, however, it does not make a noise at all.
Verified Reply - Steve
Yes, Jables! This Electrical Fuel Pump - Part # E259218 have to be submerged to turn on. Running near empty does not keep the fuel pump fully submerged and can cause the pump to overheat, so that the fuel pump might have failed. However, without the presence of your vehicle we would not be able to properly diagnose it, nor provide you with a 100% answer. I would suggest that you take your vehicle and get it thoroughly checked by a certified mechanic before buying any parts that may/may not solve the problem.
part # E259218, what are the spec for this carquest pump PSI and gallons per hour.? Also, where is this pump made? and manufacturer?
Verified Reply - Solomon
Hi Mike, I'm glad to help you! This CARQUEST Electrical Fuel Pump (Part # E259218) has a rating of 80-94 PSI and it has a range of 43.3-49.5 gallons per hour. Advance Auto Parts does sell Made in the USA products as well as products manufactured from many other countries in order to keep our pricing competitive. Please also keep in mind that many suppliers have multiple manufacturing plants that could result in different countries of origin for the same part.