BMW 740iL Oil and Lubricants

Essential BMW 740iL Oil and Lubricants

Idemitsu – Type HP Automatic Transmission Fluid – 1 qt (Part No.10107-042F)

Type HP Automatic Transmission Fluid - 1 qt


Formulated to meet the specific requirements of Subaru vehicles equipped with conventional (non-CVT) transmissions up to model year 2005. Recommended for service-fill in all Subaru automatic transmissions where SUBARU ATF HP is specified. Fuel economy demands and more sophisticated electronic controls have made automatic transmissions not only more complex, but also unique to each vehicle manufacturer. Long gone are the days of having just a couple choices of automatic transmission fluid type. IDEMITSU is the factory fill Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) supplier to most Asian imports. IDEMITSU application-specific ATF products match the exact friction materials and performance requirements of each different vehicle model for which they are made.

Product Features:
  • Excellent resistance to oxidation and thermal breakdown provide long fluid life and extended protection
  • Precisely engineered frictional characteristics guarantee smooth shifting and outstanding anti-shudder performance
  • Provides superior cleanliness, maintaining the transmission free of sludge and varnish deposits
  • Excellent seal compatibility and conditioning reduces risk of fluid leaks due to seal shrinkage, hardening and cracking
  • Advanced anti-wear technology provides maximum protection to gears and bearings
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FRAM – 5 Qt Conventional 5W30 Engine Oil with Low-Speed Pre-Ignition Control (Part No.F620-5QT)

5 Qt Conventional 5W30 Engine Oil with Low-Speed Pre-Ignition Control


FRAM Engine Oil SAE 5W-30 utilizes a blend of high-quality conventional and synthetic base stocks coupled with a robust additive system to provide reliable engine protection across a broad range of operating conditions. Specifically formulated for use in modern gas-direct engines (GDI) and turbo gas-direct engines (TGDI) as well as older carbureted or normally fuel injected gasoline engine designs. FRAM Engine Oil SAE 5W-30 contains additive technology designed to prevent low-speed pre-ignition (LSPI) while also providing increased wear protection, oxidation and shear stability over previous oil categories. FRAM Engine Oil SAE 5W-30 meets the requirements for API SP, SN Plus, SN, SM and ILSAC GF-6A, GF-5 and earlier API and ILSAC Service Categories.

Product Features:
  • Low-speed pre-ignition control
  • Chain wear protection
  • Piston cleanliness
  • Turbo-compatibility
  • Always refer to your vehicles operating manual to select the correct grade oil for your engine.
  • Reliable engine protection: FRAM Conventional Oil 5W30 5 QT utilizes a blend of high-quality conventional and synthetic base stocks coupled with a robust additive system to provide reliable engine protection across a broad range of operating conditions.
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FRAM – Full Synthetic 10W-30 Motor Oil – Helps Extend Motor Life, 1 Quart (Part No.F940)

Full Synthetic 10W-30 Motor Oil - Helps Extend Motor Life, 1 Quart


FRAM Engine Oil Full Synthetic SAE 10W-30 is a full synthetic motor oil blended with high quality synthetic base stocks and the latest additive technology to provide the ultimate protection for your engine. Specifically formulated for the rigorous environment of gas-direct engine (GDI) and turbo gas-direct engine (TGDI) designs as well as providing increased protection for carbureted or normally fuel injected engines. FRAM Engine Oil Full Synthetic SAE 10W-30 contains additive technology designed to prevent low-speed pre-ignition (LSPI). LSPI can lead to pre-mature engine failure and is a major concern of the automotive industry for vehicles employing GDI or TGDI technology. This oil also provides increased wear protection, oxidation and shear stability over previous oil categories.

Product Features:
  • Outstanding thermal and oxidation stability
  • Excellent sludge and varnish protection
  • Faster oil flow at start-up
  • Volatility: lowers oil vaporization and consumption at extreme conditions
  • Always refer to your vehicles operating manual to select the correct grade oil for your engine.
  • Ultimate engine protection: FRAM Full Synthetic Oil 10W30 1 QT is specifically formulated with high-quality synthetic base stocks and advanced additive technology to provide the ultimate protection for your engine, ensuring its longevity and performance.
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Castrol – GTX 5W-30 Synthetic Blend Motor Oil, 5 Quart (Part No.15A66D)

GTX  5W-30 Synthetic Blend Motor Oil, 5 Quart


Castrol GTX 5W-30 is a synthetic blend motor oil with a double-action formula proven to clean away the sludge that can block engine oilways (1) and help prevent new sludge formation. Sludge is a thick, tar like substance caused by severe driving conditions such as heavy traffic, poor fuel quality, harsh driving conditions and exceeding oil change intervals. Sludge can block your engine’s vital oilways like cholesterol and if untreated, can rob an engine of its power and ultimately its life. (1) When tested in engines with a high level of sludge.

Product Features:
  • Premium-quality base oils and anti-wear additives that help extend engine life
  • Superior protection against engine sludge
  • Advanced protection against viscosity and thermal breakdown
  • Superior protection against high-temperature deposits
  • Meets or exceeds the following specifications:
  • ILSAC GF-6
  • ILSAC GF-6
  • Meets Ford WSS-M2C946-B1
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FRAM – Conventional 10W30 Engine Oil with Low-Speed Pre-Ignition Control – 5 Qt (Part No.F630-5QT)

Conventional 10W30 Engine Oil with Low-Speed Pre-Ignition Control - 5 Qt


FRAM Engine Oil SAE 10W-30 utilizes a blend of high-quality conventional base stocks coupled with a robust additive system to provide reliable engine protection across a broad range of operating conditions. Specifically formulated for use in modern gas-direct engines (GDI) and turbo gas-direct engines (TGDI) as well as older carbureted or normally fuel injected gasoline engine designs. FRAM Engine Oil SAE 5W-30 contains additive technology designed to prevent low-speed pre-ignition (LSPI) while also providing increased wear protection, oxidation and shear stability over previous oil categories. FRAM Engine Oil SAE 10W-30 meets the requirements for API SP, SN Plus, SN, SM and ILSAC GF-6A, GF-5 and earlier API and ILSAC Service Categories.

Product Features:
  • Low-speed pre-ignition control
  • Chain wear protection
  • Piston cleanliness
  • Turbo-compatibility
  • Always refer to your vehicles operating manual to select the correct grade oil for your engine.
  • Suitable for modern engines: Specifically formulated for use in modern gas-direct engines (GDI) and turbo gas-direct engines (TGDI) as well as older carbureted or normally fuel injected gasoline engine designs.
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FRAM – Conventional 10W40 Engine Oil with Low-Speed Pre-Ignition Control, 5 Quart (Part No.F640-5QT)

Conventional 10W40 Engine Oil with Low-Speed Pre-Ignition Control, 5 Quart


FRAM Engine Oil SAE 10W-40 engine oil utilizes high-quality base stocks and a robustï additive system to provide reliable engine protection across a broad range of operatingï conditions. Specifically formulated for use in modern gas-direct engines (GDI) and turbo gas direct engines (TGDI) as well as older carbureted or normally fuel injected gasoline engineï designs. FRAM Engine Oil SAE 10W-40 contains additive technology designed to preventï low-speed pre-ignition (LSPI) while also providing increased wear protection, oxidation andï shear stability over previous oil categories. The FRAM Engine Oil SAE 10W-40 meets theï requirements for API SP, SN Plus, SN, SM and earlier API Service Categories.

Product Features:
  • Low-speed pre-ignition control
  • Chain wear protection
  • Piston cleanliness
  • Turbo-compatibility
  • Low-speed pre-ignition control
  • Chain wear protection
  • Piston cleanliness
  • Turbo-compatibility
  • Always refer to your vehicles operating manual to select the correct grade oil for your engine.
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Castrol – EDGE 5W-30 Advanced Full Synthetic Engine Oil, 5 Quart (Part No.1598B1)

EDGE 5W-30 Advanced Full Synthetic Engine Oil, 5 Quart


Castrol EDGE 5W-30 is an advanced full synthetic motor oil and the optimal choice for drivers who want the best combination of wear protection, viscosity control and thermal stability to maximize engine performance. It is one of Castrols strongest engine oils with the strength to maintain this unsurpassed level of engine protection for up to 20,000 miles between oil changes or one year.

Product Features:
  • 3X Stronger than the leading full synthetic (1)
  • 10X Better high stress performance (2)
  • 20,000 miles between oil changes (3)
  • (1) Viscosity breakdown as measured in Kurt Orbahn test on 5W-30 grade
  • (2) As measured in Seq IX test under high load/torque conditions vs. API SP test limits
  • (3) Or one year, whichever comes first
  • Approved and Licensed Specifications:
  • ILSAC GF-6
  • Exceeds API SP/SN PLUS/SN/SM
  • GM dexos1 Gen 3
  • Meets engine test requirements of Chrysler MS 6395
  • Meets Ford WSS-M2C946-B1
  • Meets Ford WSS-M2C961-A1
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Castrol – GTX High Mileage 5W-30 Synthetic Blend Engine Oil, 5 Quart (Part No.15980E)

GTX High Mileage 5W-30 Synthetic Blend Engine Oil, 5 Quart


Castrol GTX High Mileage 5W-30 is the No. 1 consumer high-mileage brand of motor oil. It’s a synthetic blend engine oil that helps extend the life of engines by protecting against sludge, wear and burn-off. Engineered with Phosphorous Replacement Technology, it also protects emission systems by replacing some of the phosphorous that can damage catalytic converters.

Product Features:
  • Phosphorus Replacement Technology helps extend emission system life
  • Superior dispersancy that fights sludge build up
  • Exceptional oil burn-off protection exceeding industry standards (1)
  • Seal conditioners to help reduce leaks
  • Advanced additives that minimize engine wear
  • Improved fuel economy (2)
  • (1) Based on API and ACEA volatility specifications
  • MB-Approval 229.5
  • (2) In 5W-20, 5W-30 and 10W-30 grades versus industry specifications
  • ILSAC GF-6
  • Meets Ford WSS-M2C946-B1
  • Meets Ford WSS-M2C961-A1
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Castrol – GTX High Mileage 5W-20 Synthetic Blend Motor Oil, 1 Quart (Part No.15B6E6)

GTX High Mileage 5W-20 Synthetic Blend Motor Oil, 1 Quart


Castrol GTX High Mileage 5W-20 is the No. 1 consumer high-mileage brand of motor oil. It’s a synthetic blend engine oil that helps extend the life of engines by protecting against sludge, wear and burn-off. Engineered with Phosphorous Replacement Technology, it also protects emission systems by replacing some of the phosphorous that can damage catalytic converters.

Product Features:
  • Phosphorus Replacement Technology helps extend emission system life
  • Superior dispersancy that fights sludge build up
  • Exceptional oil burn-off protection exceeding industry standards (1)
  • Seal conditioners to help reduce leaks
  • Advanced additives that minimize engine wear
  • Improved fuel economy (2)
  • (2) Based on API and ACEA volatility specifications
  • CVT Applications: All of Honda CVTs except 2001-2007 Model Honda Fit/Jazz , Hyundai/Kia SP-III, Mazda CVTF 3320, Mitsubishi DIAQUEEN ATF SP-III, CVT Fluid J1, CVT Fluid J4, CVT Fluid J4+, Ford CVT23, Mini Cooper EZL799, Mercedes-Benz 236.20
  • (2) In 5W-20, 5W-30 and 10W-30 grades versus industry specifications
  • Meets or exceeds the following specifications:
  • ILSAC GF-6
  • Meets Ford WSS-M2C945-B1
  • Meets Ford WSS-M2C960-A1
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Pennzoil – Full Synthetic 5W-40 Engine Oil – Helps Extend Engine Life – 1 Qt Bottle (Part No.550051120)

Full Synthetic 5W-40 Engine Oil - Helps Extend Engine Life - 1 Qt Bottle


Pennzoil Platinum Euro is designed for complete protection and performance for European vehicles. Pennzoil Platinum Euro helps extend engine life and protects for up to 15 years or 500,000 miles, whichever comes first. Guaranteed.1 Pennzoil Platinum Euro is made from natural gas, not crude. Its base oil is 99.5% free from engine clogging impurities. The Proof is in the Pennzoil. 1 Based on Sequence IIIH results . Does not apply to Pennzoil Platinum Euro motor oil.

Product Features:
  • No other leading engine oil provides better protection from friction1? 1 based on sequence iva wear test using sae 0w-40.
  • Better fuel economy2 2 meets the requirements of mb 229.5 which includes fuel economy improvement (fei) requirement as determined in industry standard gasoline engines
  • Protects horsepower
  • Nothing keeps your engine close to factory clean3 3 based on sequence vh and m-111 sludge test using sae 0w-40.
  • Complete protection and performance for European vehicles.
  • Extends engine life and protects for up to 15 years or 500,000 miles, whichever comes first.
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FRAM – 10W-30 Full Synthetic Motor Oil, Ultimate Protection, 5 Quarts (Part No.F940-5QT)

10W-30 Full Synthetic Motor Oil, Ultimate Protection, 5 Quarts


FRAM Engine Oil Full Synthetic SAE 10W-30 is a full synthetic motor oil blended with high  quality synthetic base stocks and the latest additive technology to provide the ultimate protection  for your engine. Specifically formulated for the rigorous environment of gas-direct engine (GDI)  and turbo gas-direct engine (TGDI) designs as well as providing increased protection for  carbureted or normally fuel injected engines. FRAM Engine Oil Full Synthetic SAE 10W-30  contains additive technology designed to prevent low-speed pre-ignition (LSPI). LSPI can lead  to pre-mature engine failure and is a major concern of the automotive industry for vehicles  employing GDI or TGDI technology. This oil also provides increased wear protection, oxidation  and shear stability over previous oil categories.

Product Features:
  • Outstanding thermal and oxidation stability
  • Excellent sludge and varnish protection
  • Faster oil flow at start-up
  • Volatility: Lowers oil vaporization and consumption at extreme conditions
  • Ultimate Engine Protection: FRAM Engine Oil Full Synthetic SAE 10W-30 is formulated with high-quality synthetic base stocks and the latest additive technology to provide the ultimate protection for your engine.
  • Advanced LSPI Prevention: Contains additive technology specifically designed to prevent low-speed pre-ignition (LSPI), a major concern for vehicles with gas-direct injection (GDI) and turbo gas-direct injection (TGDI) engines.
  • Enhanced Wear Protection: Offers increased wear protection, ensuring your engine components remain in optimal condition even under rigorous driving conditions.
  • Versatile Engine Compatibility: Suitable for a wide range of engines, including GDI, TGDI, carbureted, and normally fuel-injected engines, making it a versatile choice for various vehicle types.
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FRAM – 5 Qt Conventional 5W20 Engine Oil with Low-Speed Pre-Ignition Control (Part No.F610-5QT)

5 Qt Conventional 5W20 Engine Oil with Low-Speed Pre-Ignition Control


FRAM Engine Oil SAE 5W-20 utilizes a blend of high-quality conventional and synthetic base stocks coupled with a robust additive system to provide reliable engine protection across a broad range of operating conditions. Specifically formulated for use in modern gas-direct engines (GDI) and turbo gas-direct engines (TGDI) as well as older carbureted or normally fuel injected gasoline engine designs. FRAM Engine Oil SAE 5W-20 contains additive technology designed to prevent low-speed pre-ignition (LSPI) while also providing increased wear protection, oxidation and shear stability over previous oil categories. FRAM Engine Oil SAE 5W-20 meets the requirements for API SP, SN Plus, SN, SM and ILSAC GF-6A, GF-5 and earlier API and ILSAC Service Categories.

Product Features:
  • Low-speed pre-ignition control
  • Chain wear protection
  • Piston cleanliness
  • Turbo-compatibility
  • Always refer to your vehicles operating manual to select the correct grade oil for your engine.
  • Reliable engine protection: FRAM Conventional Oil 5W20 5 QT utilizes a blend of high-quality conventional and synthetic base stocks coupled with a robust additive system to provide reliable engine protection across a broad range of operating conditions.
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LIQUI MOLY – HighTech Full Synthetic 5W-40 Engine Oil: Gas & Diesel, Reduces Oil And Fuel Consumption, 5 Liter (Part No.2332)

HighTech Full Synthetic 5W-40 Engine Oil: Gas & Diesel, Reduces Oil And Fuel Consumption, 5 Liter


Liqui Moly’s Leichtlauf High Tech 5W-40 is a fully synthetic, premium low-friction engine oil for all-season use in gasoline and diesel engines without diesel particulate filters (DPF). The combination of innovative base oils – based on synthesis technology and the latest additive technology – guarantees an engine oil that reduces oil and fuel consumption and that ensures fast lubrication of the engine. Depending on the manufacturer instructions, oil change intervals of up to 40,000 km are possible. Ideally suited for modern gasoline and diesel engines with multi-valve technology, turbocharger and with or without charge air cooling. Especially suitable where there are long intervals between changes and heavy duty engine requirements.

Product Features:
  • All season use reliable at high and low temperatures
  • Suited for modern gasoline and diesel engines with multivalve technology, turbocharger and with or without charge air cooling
  • An engine oil that reduces oil and fuel consumption
  • Ensures fast lubrication of the engine
  • Made in germany
  • Low-friction formula: Leichtlauf LIQUI-MOLY Synthetic Engine Oil 5W-40 is a premium, fully synthetic engine oil that reduces oil and fuel consumption, thanks to its low-friction formula.
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Permatex – Ceramic Extreme Brake Parts Lubricant (Part No.3C210445993PMX)

Ceramic Extreme Brake Parts Lubricant


5 fl. oz. Tube – A 100% synthetic formula, coupled with real ceramic solids make this premium brake lubricant our longest lasting, most temperature resistant way to silence brake noise. Effective from -50F to 3000F (-46C to 1649C), this product maintains its lubricating integrity under the most extreme conditions. Resistant to corrosion and contaminants, it will not wash out. Suggested Applications: Disc brake caliper hardware, bushings, pistons, rubber sleeves and seals. DIRECTIONS:

Product Features:
  • Clean parts to be lubricated with Permatex® Brake and Parts Cleaner
  • Apply small amount to caliper hardware, backing plates, bushings and seals to create uniform surface areas and prevent noise. Safe on rubber seals and plastic.
  • Lubricant may also be used as a noise suppressor to eliminate caliper brake squeal by applying to the BACK of the brake pad.
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Helping You Find the Right Oil and Lubricants for Your BMW 740iL

You love your 740iL. So we’ve made it easier than ever to help you find BMW 740iL Oil and Lubricants in our online catalog. Our inventory holds 75 aftermarket and OEM Oil and Lubricants for your BMW 740iL, ranging from $6.49 to $154.99.

We offer parts from 11 brands trusted to make quality Oil and Lubricants for your BMW 740iL. Before you buy, take some time to read through customer reviews. We currently have 47,293 reviews of BMW 740iL Oil and Lubricants from previous customers. Some of the top rated parts include European Vehicle Full Synthetic 5W-40 Engine Oil: For Gasoline & Diesel Engines, 1 Quart with 4.9 stars and EDGE 5W-30 Advanced Full Synthetic Motor Oil, 1 Quart with 4.9 stars.

Find your 740iL Oil and Lubricants here, order online, and have your order shipped directly to your home. Prefer to have an in-person look at your BMW 740iL part to confirm it’s just right? You can find your nearest Advance Auto Parts store and confirm they have the part in stock before heading over.

Top Oil and Lubricants Brands for Your BMW 740iL

Our inventory holds Oil and Lubricants for your BMW 740iL from 11 trusted brands. You’ll find OEM and aftermarket parts from brands like Castrol, Fram, and LIQUI MOLY, all of which can keep that BMW happy.

Top-Rated Castrol Oil and Lubricants

Leading Castrol Oil and Lubricants

We carry Castrol brand parts for your BMW 740iL across several catalog categories, including Motor Oil. Some of our most reviewed Castrol parts include:

FAQs for BMW 740iL Oil and Lubricants

What are the most purchased Oil and Lubricants for the BMW 740iL?

Out of 75 Oil and Lubricants for the BMW 740iL, the most popular in our inventory are:
5W-30 Full Synthetic Motor Oil: 5 Quart
from $27.99
This product is not rated
5W-30 Full Synthetic Motor Oil: 5 Quart
Engine Oil

What are the top-rated BMW 740iL Oil and Lubricants?

Top-rated Oil and Lubricants for your BMW 740iL based on customer reviews/ratings are:
EDGE 5W-30 Advanced Full Synthetic Motor Oil, 1 Quart
from $11.99
EDGE 5W-30 Advanced Full Synthetic Motor Oil, 1 Quart
“The best oil for my car.”
GTX  5W-30 Synthetic Blend Motor Oil, 5 Quart
from $29.99
GTX 5W-30 Synthetic Blend Motor Oil, 5 Quart
“Great sale package with filter.”